What is Walk & Talk therapy?

Are you someone who is turned off by traditional office-based therapy? Or do you feel anxious, stuck, or sluggish?

Some clients I have worked with are averse to traditional "therapy" offices for various reasons. I get it. Sometimes visiting a closed space to talk about complicated internal issues can feel overwhelming or stressful. Even being face-to-face with a therapist for such a long period of time can feel daunting. Walking side-by-side can shift the dynamic of the session and allow some people feel more comfortable. Active listening does not require constant eye-contact while we walk together, which is sometimes appreciated for some people to feel safer opening up.

Walking as a part of therapy with clients helps to regulate complicated emotions that can arise from engaging in conversations about inner conflicts or revisiting traumatic experiences.

Walking is an effective way of getting our bodies, and therefore our minds, moving towards wellbeing. I have always found that some of my most creative and deep thoughts have emerged while walking. The many benefits of walking can play a roll in reducing stress and anxiety, as well as improve mood and sleep as well as obviously being a great form of physical activity.

Research conducted at Stanford University supports that walking outdoors reduces feelings of anxiety and has lasting positive effects on mood, memory and cognition.

Walk & Talk therapy is a growing trend I modeled from other therapists in both the United States and Canada. No matter what your age or weight or ability or experience, the walking pace is set by you. If you have any medical conditions that could make walking a concern, please consult your medical doctor before opting to schedule a Walk & Talk session with me.

Things to keep in mind

My Walk & Talk sessions take place outdoors and typically take place at the Croix de Buzy at the entrance of the Vallée d'Ossau, or in Pau/Bizanos (on the Chemin Henri IV at the Chateau de Franqueville). Alternate customized locations can be accommodated upon request for an additional fee.

Appointments typically range approximately 45 mins.

Appointments will be maintained rain or shine. Please dress accordingly and bring an umbrella if necessary!

Contact me to set up an initial short phone conversation to discuss a few key details before we eventually meet.